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ROI Calculator
Investment vs ROI: Indoor Tracking
Tracking Details
Update Details
Update Costs to your Business
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Tracking Details
Facility Square Meters
This helps calculate the Toral cost of the solution.
Choose a Tracking Type
Bluetooth Tags provide location accuracy to an accuracy of a small room. UWB (Ultra-wideband) Tag provide accuracy within 2m.
Cost of lost assets over the last year
No. of hours of downtime caused by missing assets (Weekly)
Business Cost
Cost to Business (Yearly)
Tag Cost
Investment Cost
Infrastructure Cost
After Year One
Cost Savings - Investment
ROI per year
No. of hours spent searching for assets (Weekly)
Hourly Business Cost
Generalised cost incurred by the business per hour, can include: labour costs, production expenses, other operational overheads.
No. of Assets to be tracked
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